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종교/이판사판 475

Look unto Him in every thought. doubt not, fear not “By providing a daily sustenance, one day at a time, Jehovah was trying to teach faith to a nation that over a period of some 400 years had lost much of the faith of their fathers. He was teaching them to trust Him, to ‘look unto Him in every thought; doubt not, fear not’ (D&C 6:36). He was providing enough for one day at a time. Except for the sixth day, they could not store manna for use in an.. 2022. 3. 15.
The Touch of the Master’s Hand Consider the testimony of President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “For some reason we think the Atonement of Christ applies only at the end of mortal life to redemption from the Fall, from spiritual death. It is much more than that. It is an ever-present power to call upon in everyday life. When we are racked or harrowed up or tormented by guilt or burdened with grief, He .. 2022. 3. 13.
A broken heart and a contrite spirit—repentance “At Gethsemane and Golgotha the Savior’s blood was shed. Centuries earlier the Passover had been introduced as a symbol and a type of things to come. It was an ordinance to be kept forever (see Exodus 12). “After the crucifixion of the Lord, the law of sacrifice required no more shedding of blood. The sacrifice thenceforth was to be a broken heart and a contrite spirit—repentance. “And the Passo.. 2022. 3. 12.
If you delay repentance “If you have sinned, the sooner you repent, the sooner you begin to make your way back and find the peace and joy that come with forgiveness. If you delay repentance, you may lose blessings, opportunities, and spiritual guidance. You may also become further entangled in sinful behavior, making it more difficult to find your way back” (For the Strength of Youth [booklet, 2011], 28). 2022. 3. 11.