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A broken heart and a contrite spirit—repentance

by 높은산 언덕위 2022. 3. 12.

“At Gethsemane and Golgotha the Savior’s blood was shed. Centuries earlier the Passover had been introduced as a symbol and a type of things to come. It was an ordinance to be kept forever (see Exodus 12). 

“After the crucifixion of the Lord, the law of sacrifice required no more shedding of blood.  The sacrifice thenceforth was to be a broken heart and a contrite spirit—repentance.

“And the Passover would be commemorated forever as the sacrament, in which we renew our covenant of baptism and partake in remembrance of the body of the Lamb of God and of His blood, which was shed for us” (Boyd K. Packer “Atonement, Agency, Accountability,” Ensign, May 1988, 72).