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종교/Gospel principles15

7-The Holy Ghost The Holy Ghost Came to Adam and Eve Why did Adam and Eve need the guidance of the Holy Ghost? After Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, they began to till the earth and work at other tasks for their living. They had many children, and their sons and daughters also married and had children (see Moses 5:1–3). Thus, spirit children of our Heavenly Father began leaving His presence to come to the .. 2024. 2. 12.
6-The Fall of Adam and Eve Adam and Eve Were the First to Come to Earth What evidence helps us know that Adam and Eve were valiant spirits? God prepared this earth as a home for His children. Adam and Eve were chosen to be the first people to live on the earth (see Moses 1:34; 4:26). Their part in our Father’s plan was to bring mortality into the world. They were to be the first parents. (See D&C 107:54–56.) Adam and Eve .. 2024. 2. 10.
5-The Creation God’s Plan for Us Why did we need to come to the earth? When we lived as spirit children with our heavenly parents, our Heavenly Father told us about His plan for us to become more like Him. We shouted for joy when we heard His plan (see Job 38:7). We were eager for new experiences. In order for these things to happen, we needed to leave our Father’s presence and receive mortal bodies. We needed.. 2024. 2. 9.
4-Freedom to Choose Agency Is an Eternal Principle If someone asked you why it is important to have agency, what would you say? “Thou mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee” (Moses 3:17). God has told us through His prophets that we are free to choose between good and evil. We may choose liberty and eternal life by following Jesus Christ. We are also free to choose captivity and death by following Sat.. 2024. 2. 9.