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종교/이판사판 475

The ultimate blessings of the Abrahamic covenant “The ultimate blessings of the Abrahamic covenant are conferred in holy temples. These blessings allow us to come forth in the First Resurrection and inherit thrones, kingdoms, powers, principalities, and dominions, to our ‘exaltation and glory in all things’ (D&C 132:19)” (Russell M. Nelson “Special Witnesses of Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, Apr. 2001, 7). 2022. 2. 26.
Your Wonderful Journey Home “You are not alone on this journey. Your Heavenly Father knows you. Even when no one else hears you, He hears you. When you rejoice in righteousness, He rejoices with you. When you are beset with trial, He grieves with you” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf “Your Wonderful Journey Home,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 127–28). 2022. 2. 24.
The Quest for Excellence “I heard one of my brethren tell of a recent visit he made to a prison. There he noticed a young man, handsome in appearance and intelligent in his ways. “My brother said to the prison official, ‘What is that young man doing in here?’ “The reply was that one evening he had taken his mother’s car, had obtained some beer and drunk it, and then, out of control of himself, he drove the car down the .. 2022. 2. 24.
Opening Our Hearts Why the Holy Ghost will carry the word unto, but not into, our hearts “Why just unto the heart? Individual agency is so sacred that Heavenly Father will never force the human heart, even with all His infinite power. Man may try to do so, but God does not. To put it another way, God allows us to be the guardians, or the gatekeepers, of our own hearts. We must, of our own free will, open our heart.. 2022. 2. 22.