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Conversion to this church has been the biggest turning point in my life

by 높은산 언덕위 2021. 3. 14.

Conversion to this church has been the biggest turning point in my life. The religious message of this church has become my light, brightening my way. It is my compass, directing the course of my voyage.

This church is the true church of God, If we have a serious desire to inquire of the Lord and ask for the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

In any circumstances, there are many peoples around us who need our concerns and love. They may be our friends, our family members, or less-active members. We need more love and concerns for peoples who are around us .

God is live. This church is the true church of God. and know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that President Rusel M Nelson is the Lord's servant that is living.

I said all these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen