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Satan deceiveth him

by 높은산 언덕위 2021. 9. 3.

“Some have claimed higher spiritual gifts or authority outside the established priesthood authority of the Church. They say that they believe in the principles and ordinances of the gospel and accept the President of the Church as the legal administrator thereof, but claim they have a higher order which the President does not have. This is often done to justify an activity which is not in accordance with the doctrines of the Church. There can be no higher order, however, because the President of the Church both holds and exercises all of the keys of the kingdom of God on earth. The Lord has said of the President of the Church ‘that none else shall be appointed [to receive commandments and revelations] except it be through him’ [D&C 43:4]. 

“Continuing revelation and leadership for the Church come through the President of the Church, and he will never mislead the Saints” (“The Prophetic Voice,” Ensign, May 1996,James E. Faust (1920–2007).