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The purpose of a sustaining vote

by 높은산 언덕위 2021. 8. 30.

President Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972) taught that the purpose of a sustaining vote is not to express personal preference regarding those whom the Lord has duly called:

“The priesthood selects, under the inspiration of our Father in heaven, and then it is the duty of the Latter-day Saints, as they are assembled in conference, or other capacity, by the uplifted hand, to sustain or to reject; and I take it that no man has the right to raise his hand in opposition, or with contrary vote, unless he has a reason for doing so that would be valid if presented before those who stand at the head. In other words, I have no right to raise my hand in opposition to a man who is appointed to any position in this Church, simply because I may not like him, or because of some personal disagreement or feeling I may have, but only on the grounds that he is guilty of wrong doing, of transgression of the laws of the Church which would disqualify him for the position which he is called to hold” (Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie [1956], 3:123–24).